Sunday, June 30, 2024

10 Ways to Have Less Stress

1.  Clean up your finances.

The rules of properly handling money can be summed up fairly easily. They are:
Spend less than you earn.
Save a portion of all that you earn. This can be as little as 5%, with most people saving 10%. This is your safety net in case of emergencies, job loss, unexpected expenses, etc.
Before paying your monthly bills/expenses, set aside a portion of your income just for you. This money should be used to invest in your future and in your financial security. Again 10% is a good amount for this. This is a separate savings from your emergency savings, and should be used to further your education, and things like this.
Have a budget and stick to your budget.
Have a pantry and a bit of food storage to help you weather hard times, or just because you save money by buying food on sale, or before the price goes up.

2.  Eliminate the negative from your life as much as possible.  This means decluttering your possessions, as well as eliminating negative people and situations from your life that are only bringing you down. Make positive and inspiring friends. You need them.
Clean up and fix whatever needs fixed in your life. Fix that door that jams, that faucet leak, and complete all the undone projects in your life. You don't have to complete anything that no longer inspires or interests you however. Fix one thing a day for awhile and watch your load lighten and your mood lift.
Seek out good news and avoid negative news as much as possible.

3.  Get a job you like.  We spend a lot of our time at work and some work places are very toxic and draining.  Get out and find a job that inspires and uplifts you.

4.  Plan for the future.  Set goals and make lists of what you want in your life, then do at least one small thing towards accomplishing that goal every single day. Even a small step will move you forward.

5. Learn to say no.  Doing things you really don't want to and spending time with people who drain you is a huge stress producer.  Stop doing that to yourself. You deserve to enjoy your life surrounded by people who genuinely care about your welfare.

6.  Get outside everyday.  Take walks, garden, or in some way spend a portion of everyday outside in the fresh air. Enjoy the fall leaves, a walk in the rain, a softly falling winter snow, or a sunny day at the beach. Nature soothes and heals. And get some exercise everyday, whether outside or indoors.

7.  Get a pet. A loving dog or cat is a known relaxer. They give you lots of unconditional love and make your life so much brighter.

8. Think optimistically and positively. Use positive words to yourself and when speaking to others. Don't gossip. Don't criticize. Encourage people whenever you can.

9.  Learn to meditate and to pray. Whatever your spiritual beliefs, a time for centering and quieting your mind, and connecting with the divine is a positive experience that will greatly enhance your life.

10. Practice gratitude and thankfulness everyday. We all have many blessings and a nightly time of writing down three things you're grateful for is a wonderful end to a day and will greatly enhance your life.

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